Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baby deer love

Camp ended today for the first session. It was a touching ceremony and a few tears were shed. It is hard to believe what goes into these kids lives in a short 2 weeks, memories are made.
Some of the guides went into town to enjoy some well deserved time off. Some of us had a relaxing dinner here at the health lodge. Kitty made potstickers. Jennifer made armadillo eggs (jalepenos wrapped in sausage) a little wine and beer were served. We watched the video that Chris made of the camp. Meg and Clayton had a friend join us from Wimberly. It was a nice evening to just relax and be with friends.
The two baby deer had to be fed their dinner so we got to hold and love on them. The is Esperanzo, the boy. He was sucking on my ear and giving me the giggles. It is such a blessing to be here. I have to say it is a perfect fit. Thank you GOD.

1 comment:

  1. Reading back over your posts I was reminded of what our former pastor often said with the congregation responding with the second part and then repeating it in different order.

    God is Good. All the Time
    All the time. God is good.
