As I practice the pursuit of happiness, being grateful and thankful, these are some of my favorite things...I hope to have a loooong list as I live my life...
*Being active with a healthy body and that I ran a half marathon this April *Listening to music, favorites are Amos Lee, Jeremy Camp, Darius Rucker *Artsy places like Fredericksburg, Texas *Coffee shops, book stores and feed stores *Good conversation with friends *A clear river with a rock bottom like the Neuces, Guadalupe or Sabinal *My dear friends that love the Lord and live the talk *Laughter of children - lucky I work at a camp *Texas, soft southern breeze and sunsets *Good salsa with lime and cilantro *Being inspired by something beautiful *Growing a garden *Camping out under the stars *Spending time with my four boys *Time on the trail, riding or hiking *A full moon
*The scent of a good candle
*Being creative
*the sounds of birds singing in the morning
*sleeping with the windows open to the rhythm of the waves of the ocean outside
*picking veggies from the garden and eating them within an hour
*making pot stickers and eating them
*getting a massage
*fresh flowers, lillies smell the best
*the warmth of Lily Lu cuddling up beside me when it is cold outside
I love to be with my horses. They calm my soul. Challenge me to stay in shape. Teach me to be aware of my surroundings. Inspire me with their beauty and movement. I hope that the future allows me to be an old lady riding my old mare off into the sunset with a peace in my heart.
You've had a big week. So glad for the rain and that everyone is safe. It is so wonderful to see your new life taking shape. LOVE YOU!