Friday, July 13, 2012

A Day In the Life...

I've been meaning to keep a journal of my daily activities at camp this summer but it hasn't happened yet.  I thought I would recap what I did today on my blog.  I have been walking at 6:15 every morning with Joan Croome, a camp mom I met last year.  We became good friends in just two weeks.  She loved the finches I had and went back to Houston and bought some for her anniversary.  She now has 4 and I have none.  The last one I had a camper let out of the cage.  Anyways, it is a great way to start my day because we walk over the big mountain and turn around and we can see the sun rising over the mountains in the distance.  I get to see God's awesome beauty in this place.  When I get back to the barn around 7 the Wranglers and I begin feeding the horses, we walk to the dining hall for breakfast and I usually have a meeting with them about our plans for the day.  I attend a leadership staff meeting at 8 a.m.  Meg told me the surveys are coming back from first term and horseback is getting great reviews.   I led the 2 hr. trail class on Indira this morning and Lily Lou came along too.  I had to get off and put her up in the saddle with me when she got tired.  At lunch today, I drove one of the Wranglers into Kerrville to get a new radiator for her truck.  We stopped at Hometown Crafts and I bought some jewelry clasps and beads.  I had the idea that all the Wranglers can make a bracelet from the horse hair of their favorite horses.  I hope to send them home with many happy memories and a momento. When we got back to camp I had a Wrangler ask me for advice on giving the sermon this Sunday.  I gave her my devotional book, Jesus Calling.  The Wranglers and I judged the crew yell, cleaned a slimy green water trough, picked up a dead dear on the I Spy trail, drove a injured camper to the health lodge.  Now I am sitting in my barn apartment while 4 Wranglers are watching the movie A River Runs Through It and a group of campers are downstairs touring the barn and listening to someone sing to them on the front porch.  It is 10:25 and it has been a long day full of lots of good things.  Speaking of good things one of the campers lost her Father in September and she has really bonded to one of our horses named Arrow.  I told the Wranglers that what we are doing goes so much deeper than just working with horses, we are blessed when we get to see little glimpses of God's greater plan.  Lonehollow is a special place to many many souls.

1 comment:

  1. As I sat here this morning reading your blog post, my heart sang... you are such an amazing woman and friend! What a blessing you are to me and SO many others!
    I think Arrow is the horse I rode back in November when we stayed at the Camp. I was thinking how long ago that seems- you didn't even know you would be doing this particular job at the Camp then! Wow!
    God is good all the time, all the time God is good!
    I love you!
