Sunday, August 14, 2011

Riding in the light of the Full Moon

I just finished doing some work in my office. It is sooo quiet. No phones ringing - not a sound. The security guard just came by. He is an ex-game warden and knows lots of people in the area and Uvalde. I have met his wife and daughter. I am going to have his daughter come ride with me tomorrow evening. She is getting her license to be a dental hygienist. We have some people staying at the health lodge tonight. There is a deer hunting convention going on in San Antonio and these people are deer breeders. They are buying some deer from Clayton.

It is finally cooling off and I am going to the barn to do a little riding. I took three counselors for a moonlight ride last night at 10:00 p.m. Stephen, Kelly and Jessica rode with me until 11:30. It was a full moon and riding on a caliche road you can see very well. We rode four miles to the main road and back. Great conversation about where they were going in life. The temperature was perfect. They all said it was the best way to end camp. I am so glad that I get to share riding with others here and have young people come in and out of my life. I hope that I leave a footprint on their lives like they do on mine.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Camp will be ending this Sunday. I have mixed feelings about it - I'll welcome having weekends free again, I'll miss camp. I have so many things to be thankful for. First of all, that God brought me to this place. He really does give us more than we could ask. It has been a great summer. He made it all happen and it fell into place perfectly. I love the people, the kids, the horses, the art, the music, the hill country. I would not want to live in any other part of Texas. I am blessed. Reconnecting with friends after many years. Living in a house that is so beautiful it could be on the cover of a magazine. Keeping my horses. Now for phase two, moving back into the Hunt and Kerrville area. I am looking forward to getting involved and serving in the community. Today's devotional really spoke to my heart. I hope it does yours too.

From the foundation of the world I had your life planned out, knowing which twists and turns of the road you would choose to travel on. I have a way prepared for you if you would but learn to take My hand and trust Me to lead you.

I need you to be of strong moral character, and stand up against the evil all around you. I want you to take good care of the body I created for you to live in.

Your soul is Mine.

I have chosen you,

redeemed you,

and made you Mine.

No more fear. No more second thoughts. We are traveling together and there is so much I have in store for you if you keep on the path with Me.

Yes, we will reach the summit, but it will be a much higher one if you stay connected to Me. I cannot force you to do the things I put in front of you. You must make daily choices for good and evil, for My service, for the personal calling I have for you. If you choose not to follow today, that means we will accomplish a little less.

Please take My hand and let Me lead you into uncharted territory, places you have never been before. I have so much in store for you if you would but let Me take you there.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Do what you love, Love what you Do

Sterling got into the drama closet and dressed up as Prince for Magic Time Machine night. He was a hit in those pants. We had so much fun just being silly. I love camp - it is a place where the abnormal seems normal. I am going to miss it when it all comes to an end soon. It will be fun to plan and anticipate for next summer. Working with the horses will be fun. I am so blessed to call this my job. To work with fun people that are inspiring. I am so blessed to share it with my boys. Sterling sang to the kids on stage last night. The kids all knew the words and sang along. It was great! There is just a magic about this place that brings out the best in everyone. I shared with my co-workers tonight in our value session that we should do what we love and love what we do. So many people don't realize that is a choice. It is an attitude. It is a decision.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Great Memories!!!

This week has flown by. Bebo came for a visit and the first night we slept out on top of a mountain under the stars. The stars were so bright it was amazing and we could see the milky way. We heard the coyotes howl. The breeze blew softly and kept the bugs away. It was a memory I will cherish.
Sterling indulged me with a morning horseback ride and we rode to the site where lightening struck and started a grass fire this summer. He commented on my sense of adventure. I hope all of my boys will think of their Mom as a woman with strength and adventure.
One of my best memories will be of Sterling singing and playing his guitar. Enjoy every moment of everyday.